ATT UVERSE(WARNING) Before considering the installation of ATT's Uverse service, understand that ATT's equipment and lines are highly vulnerable to RF interference. While the service is excellent, the unexpected consequences may cause concern.
You're obviously a licensed amatuer, or you wouldn't be looking at this page. If you're considering the installation of ATT's Uverse services, consider the following. ATT's entire system is highly subjected to RF interference, especially the HF bands. Fiber optic cable only feed the node in your local area. It's the old twisted pair from the node to your home; a huge antenna. With high quality coax and a low SWR, 100 watts of RF will shut down television and internet reception. Not knowing what distance this effects, you might develop a difficult relationahip with neighbors if they discover you are freezing their favorite TV show, or movie. The effect of phone service has not been determined at this point.
When the problem of RF interference was brought to ATT's tier two team, they responded by stating there is nothing they can do to resolve the problem and weren't researching any resolution.
You might be interested in knowing that ATT can indicate the exact frequency of interference on your line. They told me that 1280khz and 1570khz was noticed on my service lines, as well as specific frequencies on 75 meters. This is important to know, as ATT can identify to your neighbors, what type of interference they are experiencing. This narrows it down to YOU.
So, what can you do about it? The solution here was easy. One snap on ferrite bead on the ATT cable (Not the phone line.) The problem is gone.
KJQ.US.COM does not promote, or discourage the use of ATT Uverse. Just understand that there are major RF issues that you may wish to consider.
The Solution - The Fix Don't tell AT&T, but just one ferrite snap-on bead solved the problem. No more TV interference from HF.
The bead was snapped on after the ATT&T junction box, but before it entered the house. No more RF interference; no ore complaints from inside the house. TV, PC and phones are now solid. AT&T hasn't figured this out yet.
CONCLUSION To date, there is NO known cure for Uverse RFI. What works for one, may not work for another. Forty and eighty meters causes too many problems for Uverse. Shielded phone lines, grounding, etc. did not solve any issues. If you want to remain "Hamming", avoid Uverse.