"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Anti gun groups constantly and deliberately try to confuse our Second Amendment, on the guys of public safety. The bottom line and the truth is that anti-gunners want complete gun confiscation. Taking small continuous bites out of our Second Amendment will eventually open the door to a gun free nation and a police state. Look at the fire storm of California anti-gun bills, passed through the liberal legislature every year. Guns brought peace and freedom to this nation. Their absence would result in the contrary. Listen to several pro gun PSA's below. Keep your powder dry!
Over the Fourth of July one could not help think of the brave few men who took on the greatest empire on the Earth in order to be free. It is no coincidence that after gaining independence the Founders went about guaranteeing God given rights from a potentially tyrannical new government.
The Second Amendment and the right to bear arms guaranteed the First amendment and all others.
Recently over the last couple years and just last month the United State Supreme Court has struck down laws that infringed on that right. Unfortunately, the California State Legislature hasn't gotten the message about protecting our freedoms.
Below are three bills that passed the State Assembly (over my objections in committee and on the floor). These bills are now awaiting action in the State Senate. While the Senate is on a break, find your State Senator and tell them to vote for freedom and against these three bills.
AB1934 seeks to punish citizens for engaging in the legal act of openly carrying an unloaded handgun. If California had a reasonable concealed carry law that was consistent and fair there would be no need for citizens to carry a gun in open.
AB2223 seeks to outlaw the use of lead shot when shooting or hunting in state-run wildlife management areas. Anti-hunting groups want to make it harder to hunt and this bill would do it.
AB1810 seeks to establish a Canadian style registration system, similar to the one currently in place for handguns, for all newly-acquired long guns.Under AB1810 require the Attorney General to keep the make, model and serial number of the firearm as well as the identifying information of the purchaser on file. If only the British had such a list!
This bill would increase state cost and do nothing to keep guns out of the hands of real criminals.
Now is the time to stand for freedom. Remember what our Founders fought for.