Never before, in the history of America, has the Second Amendment Right been under such attack as it is now. It is believed that the current administration in Washington and Congress fear an armed America and would like nothing less than to disarm the citizens. Don't be fooled that gun regulation is for public safety. Your membership with NRA/ILA provides the necessary funds to maintain and fight for your right to bear arms. See videos on YouTube, regarding the 50 million murders committed by Hitler, to unarmed citizens. Don't think it can't happen here. The process has already begun. Click on the NRA banner for a direct link to their site.
If you are a law abiding gun owner in California, help fight senseless gun law legislation by joining CRPA. California is the most restrictive gun state in the nation. Help fund CRPA by becoming a member and protect your Second Amendment Right before the anti-gun legislators remove it completely.
JPFO: Fierce Defender of American Liberty
JPFO is an organization, fighting for the preservation of firearm ownership for all Americans. Vistit their web site to appreciate the work they have accomplished.