If you're looking for Newcomb information, you'll probably find it here. There are NO web sites built, offering this much information, all in one place. If it's not here, send a question and maybe we will have the information you need. Parts for Newcomb phonographs DO NOT exist. There was NEVER any NOS parts on the market. When Newcomb closed its Sylmar plant, everything went away. In addition, Newcomb did not release schematics for their phonographs. You will find a tube chart and possibly a schematic, glued inside the case. All tubes are easily obtained on Ebay. Many with an interest in guitars have found Newcomb amps to suit their needs. This is most likely due to the pure audio quality.
Below, you will see images of various Newcomb Transcription players, from the first model, to the last. Until the latest model, these player would accomodate records with a diameter of 16".
First Newcomb Transcription Player
Tweed Covered Case
Two Speed (33 & 78) RPM
Chicken Head Knobs
Twelve Inch Platter
Clear Plastic Yellow Carrying Handle
Solid Rubber Cabinet Feet
Variable Speed Control (Brake)
Single Stylus GE Cartridge
Model TR-16B
Mic & Radio Input
10" Platter
No Tempo Control
Standart Two Speed Motor
AC Outlet
The first transcription player with 45 RPM, a wire wound speed control, spring loaded feet, push/turn GE cartridge, tone arm rest, 45 adaptor, scratch filter, strobe and tone arm weight adjust. The next version, with the same model number, had a gray case, red deck, gray platter and round knobs, to replace the chicken head knobs. Same large size case as the model above. The model below is down sized and has some new switching features. Both units performed exactly the same, EXCELLENT! Here are two variations of the same model. The successor had a gray case with a red deck.
Second Newcomb Transcription Player TR-16
Maroon Covered Case W/ Gray Deck
Ten Inch Platter
Three Speeds (33, 45 & 78) RPM
Wire Wound Pot Speed Control
First Newcomb Designed Knobs (White)
Two Speaker Plugs
Radio Input
Spring Loaded Feet
Third Newcomb Transcription Player TR-16AM
Gray Case, Red Speaker & Red Deck
Gray Knobs
Gray Platter
Push/Turn GE Cartridge
Tonearm Weight Adjustment
Strobe Disc
TR-1640 Retail Price $205.00.
40 Watt Amplifier
Two Mic Inputs W/ Bass & Trebble
Pop Up 45 Adaptor
Neon Strobe Lights
Magnetic Tempo Control
Astatic Flip Over Cartridge
Tonearm Weight Control Removed
The baby of the transcription players. Continues to handle 16 inch records, but has a much smaller tube amplifier. Sound quality is not as rich as the big brother models. Model R-16.
TRS-1680 (Stereo)
New Style Knobs
Tan Case & Gray/Tan Deck
Multiple Audio Inputs & Controls
Magnetic Variable Speed Control
Box Style Tonearm
Flip Over Stylus
Speeds 16, 33, 45 and 78
Strobe Disc
80 Watt Stereo Tube Amplifier
Four Speaker Plugs
Note: The original Astatic 13t cartridge was recently replaced with a new P-226, ordered from the link below. This transcription player never sounded as good as it does now. For the cost of a NOS 13t, you can buy new and get audio you will appreciate.
Optional speakers for the TRS-1680. Four of these can be used at the same time. The audio level is incredible. Model KN-200. Retail price in 1966 was $132.75.
The TRS-1680 was produced, using two styles of tone arms. The earlier player came with the curved arm and the newest model came with the straight arm. Both are Astatic. Possibly my imagination, but the curved arm appears to have better tonal quality. Retailed for $429 in 1966.
Final Newcomb Transcription Player T-50 (Mono)
Chrome Knobs
Woodgrain Case
Red Deck
Tetrad Flip Style Cartridge
Solid State Amplifier (50 Watts)
Electronic Variable Speed Control
Fluourescent Lighting
Cut In Audio Level Controls
Four, 1/4" Speaker Jacks
Detachable AC Power Cord
Pop Up 45 Adaptor
NEWCOMB COLOR BROCHURE Selected pages from a Newcomb sales catalog have been selected for your viewing, which includes the T series record players.
If you would like this brochure in PDF format, here it is for FREE. Enjoy!
One of the cartridges Newcomb used in their transcription and classroom phonographs was a ceramic, flip over cartridge. Some replacement numbers may appear as 13t, 81t, 89t, etc. The needle and cartridge are one item and are available, NOS, that means NEW OLD STOCK. Not only is the price high, keep in mind that ceramic cartridges die with age. NOS does not guarantee it will work when you get it.
You can replace your Astatic original with something that is cheaper to maintain, easier on your records and provides better audio quality. For what is would cost to replace one NOS Astatic cartridge, you can upgrade your vintage phonograph. Click on the hyper-linked icon above to be advised of your needs, by a pro.
From This
And This
To This (P226/P228)
NEWCOMB TRANSCRIPTION CARTRIDGES Most of the older style Newcomb transcription players used the GE push/turn cartridge. While the needles are stiill somewhat available, the red buttons are very hard to find. Click the link above to get the parts you need, from someone who knows your machine and needs.
From the Dunlap Electronics catalog, here's what Newcomb was selling in 1966. Open the PDF to see images, descriptions and prices. This is fun for the Newcomb collector to see. You might be amazed to see the line of products Newcomb produced. Most of it never surfaces on Ebay, or anywhere on the internet. This may be the only reference.